Sun, 29 December 2024
By the time i was 21 I needed to give up a plethora of inappropriate behaviors. Food was my drug of choice. My dad paid me for every pound I lost. I could present well but hated myself on the inside regardless of how I looked. I raised my hand for my 'First 30 days' for 4 months. Finally i have not had sugar since 1985 I was sober for 4 years but my world was grey because of my food. I thought OA abstinence would be a daily struggle to not eat. I no longer hate myself. There is more to improve but now it is because I love self enough to change. My higher power took away the self hate causing me to eat sugar. |
Sun, 22 December 2024
I was filled with anger and resentment. I weighed in at 370 for cancer surgery. I don't remember how I found OA. At that time I was a wreck on many levels. I was in program briefly and quit for 28 years. I went on a brutal binge when my brother died. Today I will go to any lengths for my recovery. That insures I have received the gifts of the program. I am adjusting my character. I read with my sponsee. I embrace the prayers and the slogans to remind me of what is appropriate. |
Sun, 15 December 2024
My mom, when she cooked it was for six kids even though there was just me. I was a people pleaser but I never felt it was real. My brother was a drug addict who got clean and introduced me to concepts of the 12 step programs. I went to AA because that is all I ever heard of. I got a sponsor who was also in OA and led me there. He was my higher power. He passed away. I left. Found me way back. My 3rd sponsor help me actually get a relationship with a higher power and got me writing in my big book. My Nuggets |
Sun, 8 December 2024
in program 15 years with intermittent abstinence until I found my current one. My first meeting in 78 but resisted the God talk. Married, one child maintaining weight. No so for second child. I realized I could start my abstinence mid day. After my First OA Retreat I left food on my plate and experience grief. Retreat in 98 asked what I was bringing rather to than what I was getting from the meeting and the program. Today I am a service junkie at all levels of OA. I often bookend my meals with a phone call as a reason to reach out and to stay on track. |
Sun, 24 November 2024
First 10 minutes of recording failure. recording starts @ 9.40 into pitch. First few notes about it It all started with a new years resolution to loose weight. In November I joined OA. Richard Burton is my higher Power. My anger issue got much better. I did not want to make amends. A half gallon of ice cream did never got its lid put back. I began to consider what others a might be going through. Acting the same at work as in meetings. I do not eat white flour, white sugar, white potatoes, and cheese. My credit card debt got handled by my abstinence. I set up Thursday Live meeting and get to share with people every week. Great community. |
Sun, 17 November 2024
Before; I was extremely shy, no social skills, compete introvert. My grandmother made three bowls of M&Ms for me and my sisters. I always compared who had the most until I found the 1 lb bag. I really discovered amazing food in college and there was no monitor. I studied and 'mastered' Bulimia. Food and alcohol were my paired vices. I joined the beverage program but still purged to handle my food- sort of. Finding OA I was asked if I was willing..... I thought "No', said "yes and did it. Today I have a program, Do service to insure I go to meetings. I have an appropriate amount of personal drama to keep my life interesting maintain my abstinence. |
Sun, 10 November 2024
OA - Topped out at 285 I have tried to use exercise to outrun my compulsion. I tried fasting. diet pills, protein shakes, all failws quickly. In 2014 I came back for the third time and embraced OA Recovery adjacent. I finally embraced the concept of red light foods and held to it... for 4 years. A workshop called 'Sober Eating' really buttoned up my current recovery, I have a sponsor, I have service commitments, I have sponsees, I have a daily ritual focusing in my recovery. |
Sun, 3 November 2024
Tech issue this week, No promo details. A great speaker and has spoken several times in the past year. |
Sun, 27 October 2024
I am not a 100 pounder so I would compare (I'm not that bad) in the beginning. I used food to anesthetize myself and it worked in my youth. I was known in my family as a sneak eater. Somewhere I knew it wasn't all about the food but I still thought it was about the food. I was a sneak eater even when I didn't have to. Holidays were a time when I didn't have to sneak. But I still did. Relationships were a trigger for weight gain. I was clear that God could not help me with my food. But he did. I spent a long time just dipping my toe in the program confidant that I already had it because of my other program. Finally getting a sponsor, listening to him, working the steps through the the lens of OA. Eventually things were happening that I could not do. Thus a higher power became present for me. The box In which I placed my HP continues to get bigger, |
Sun, 20 October 2024
Grew up in a small town. Married and unmarried at 19. Married once more in 2014 until present. I called OA and the conversation just calmed me. She is still my sponsor today. I cleaned my pantry of any foods I would be sad about loosing. I learned alternative ways of handling my emotions rather than binging. I lost 80 pregnant and lost that weight. Maintenance has been a challenge. The traditions are important fore recovery. I personalize them and use them as the basis for my relationships. My relationship with my HP has helped my emotional stability and to make better choices. |
Sun, 13 October 2024
Skinny until 15. My family was full of chaos. Food was my friend for home and school. I was always hustling to get money to buy what I wanted. I was a very unskilled thief. I was over 260- was prescribed diet pills and made it down to 190. Food was only one of the bad choices I made which cost me my marriage. In mid 30's I got almost to 300. First introduced to How and it worked for a while as a diet for the wrong reasons. got up to 350. OA has hooked my up with a higher power. Today I live OA, Use the tools. |
Sun, 6 October 2024
When moving, I would clean the refrigerator with my mouth. They asked me to read at my first meting. What I read did not resonate with me. I was told to 30 in 30 and being an over achiever I complied but still didn't really get the program. and it didn't last long. I finally asked God for help to get home with eating and it worked. My eyes, ears and heart began to open. I did the steps in a week and a half. full time and thoroughly. however 9, 10 and 11 were hard for me to grasp. If something was defective a wanted to throw it a way. Eventually I embraced that I was the problem. Great recovery for 14 months, then relapsed in 1990. A spiritual experience brought me back for good. |
Sun, 29 September 2024
I began my journey onto my food addiction at 18 years old I always felt different and like I didn't fit in. Food was my friend. My pattern was binge and purge I left home at 20. I married my 'project' to change my behavior. Each of my pregnent was a major weight gain followed by dramatic weight loss. Started OA in '88 but abstinence didn't start until I did treatment in '90 Multiple long term relapses became my story. driven by My Will. When I finally connected with my higher power my life really got better. |
Sun, 22 September 2024
Free from binging and purging from Nov 1986 thanks to God I did all the nasty things overeaters do. No normal suggestions helped at all. When I am talking, I am not learning. I have fallen in love with my Higher Power. and I believe he returns the favor. My God was big enough to help me with the IRS. Not all my dramas have happy endings but I do get through them and stay abstinent. |
Sun, 15 September 2024
i had to take the first step before I joined OA. I knew I had a problem. I have a daily reprieve. I wake up and the work starts. Te 12 steps are about Ego reduction. Self help books, workshops or pictures did not help. I went to my first meeting,saw God on the wall and walked out. I did not come back for a year. I had amazing weight loss in the first 9 months. and realized I was on my way out without the steps. Through grace I surrendered and became teachable. The ones who helped me the most in the beginning have passed on. I am their legacy and carry their message. I experienced a great deal of challenges in my 1st 37 years. I now believe I was born an addict, regardless of my traumas. Life has thrown me a bunch of more challenges. The steps help me survive and flourish in the face of new adversity that I face. |
Sun, 8 September 2024
I was pretty normal as a child, athletic 6'4". I had a family and kids, seemingly normal, however on my way home for a family dinner I would stop at multiple drive-thrus to pre-binge before going home to eat another dinner with dessert. I could hide the nags but not the smell. A diagnosis of diabetes and a need to inject insulin sent me to a drive in. Another 4 years before getting to OA. When I left my job for a 'Sabbatical' to focus on my heath the reality was my overeating became my full time job. Jan 1999 admitted my addiction and my recovery in OA began at 400 LBS I eventually got a letter from my doctor indicating I was diabetes free. Today I have a sponsor and I am a sponsor. |
Sun, 1 September 2024
I put bows in my hair to keep focus on my head and not my body. I did well with pay and weigh programs, therapies, diets, everyone worked once. I wanted to have my jaw wired shut. I got up over 300 lbs after grey sheet helped me loose 40 lbs. I did not understand the concept of alcoholic foods. I bounced in and out of multiple 12 steps programs searching for the perfect program, the perfect sponsor etc. I would not surrender to anything completely. I manipulated everybody and everything to do it my way. God is definitely doing for me what I will not do for myself. Ordering from a fast food the machine is broken. lots of times. Today I am willing to look in a mirror and say 'Judy- I love you" and mean it. Today I have daily rituals for my recovery which keep me emotionally and physically stable. |
Sun, 25 August 2024
3 Factions OA. Strict, Loose and in between. They all can work. The trick is to find what works for you. I am a compulsive eater and compulsive dieter. I think I have lost over 2000 lbs I quickly realized OA was much more than a weight loss program. My current weight loss that I have maintained for 14 years is over 100 lbs and I am not looking for it. Even after attaining my target weight I was not satisfied with me. Who - Did I eat differently around someone. Today I eat to live rather than live to eat. |
Sun, 18 August 2024
Growing up we did not have a lot of food so we ate all we could when we could. Stayed thin through college and marriage until my first child. Then it was on. I was tricked to going to my first meeting unwilling to acknowledge my issue initially. Embraced the program slowly. Did not get a sponsor until after a year. I managed a food plan because of my health issues not because has surrendered. Today I honestly work my food and my life with my sponsor. Today I don't eat over the choices I make Good or bad. Providing service whenever I can keeps my locked in to the program. Those I sponsors keep me grounded in the basics which is what I need. I know the program works because it has worked for me and I have seen it work for others over and over again. |
Sun, 4 August 2024
Even with multiple physical and mental issues it was in these rooms I finally felt safe. I couldn't deal with my diagnoses and it took it toll bringing me into 3 programs. I would rather be an addict than have a mental issues. I had to write a letter about why I hated OA. Pretty revealing. Eventually I stopped blaming everyone else and accepted responsibility for my action. thus started my real recovery. I use multiple outside experts instead of self diagnosing, self medicating and failing. I am embracing being a healthy woman, in a healthy body with healthy relationships. I do service which keeps me in the center of the herd. I work the steps and embrace the traditions to the best of my ability. My emotions may jump around but they are authentic. |
Sun, 28 July 2024
In program almost 40 years. Both parents into their own addictions. I could manage my food, it wasn't that bad . . . until it was that bad. 7-11 Was my downfall as i promised to start over every day. I was leading a double life as psychotherapist and food addict. In the beginning (first 10 years) I made the group my Higher Power. so I left the program because I wanted to have a normal life. Back after 3 years. Came back and ended up weighing and measuring for the next 10 years. Knew it well enough that I left the program. Next time was a big book study. Finally got that my spiritual problem manifested with my food. Today I have food neutrality. I am still peeling the onion. It just never stops but today I appreciate it. |
Sun, 21 July 2024
I started early 3 or less. There were no boundaries and no safety. I just wanted to be loved but food gave me that feeling. I was a 'chubby' kid and felt shamed even at the doctor's office. I was 6 with my first diet. It became a way of life proving my unworthyness. Food became the cause and the solution of my shame. My dad dies when I was 16. He was the only one who i felt loved me unconditionally. Now I was alone and leaned into the food like never before. 16 - 49 in my disease. Married kids and food. My last nine months was a sneaky brutal binge threatening every I thought was important. I finally acknowledged I had a God sized problem I could not handle alone I realized a food plan is an act of self love while a diet would be an act of self hate. The gift of desperation kicked my recovery into gear. Moving me into the steps for real. Staying in the present where it is always Now O'Clock is critical.
Sun, 14 July 2024
Started with sweetened and condensed milk and our family was a member of the 'clean plate club' When I left home at 17 it was Game on! I was not connected to my body and always shocked when I saw a reflection. When my husband left I stopped drinking but food took over. At 60 I went to my AA sponsor about my weight and they suggested OA in 2012 (287 lbs) I got a food plan from a nutritionist. I would get a little time. one bite - - then more again. Finally got solid abstinence Oct 2020. dealt with all the feelings I had suppressed mostly about me. Today i know the phrase 'Not My Food' and use it. |
Sun, 7 July 2024
Feb 11, 2020 398 lbs I was still not ready to 'surrender' I fell and needed fire department to get me up. Then I was ready. I have maintained a 185 lb weight loss. Spirituality - Humbug. It was about the weight in the beginning. I worked the steps and learned about me. One step at a time. I ended with a very strict food plan but could do it for one day . . .at a time. I made it back to the top of the Bariatric surgery list but HP said "do Nothing". By the time came to sign on the dotted line they said I had already lost what they would anticipate from the surgery. Even when I couldn't show up for myself I showed up for service. My HP shows himself to me daily as I work with others. |
Sun, 30 June 2024
Condensing 43 years into a 20 minute talk I was eating anything I could as long as I can remember. Rather than a defect my eating was a defense. I took massive amount of diets pills. and YoYoed on the heavy side of the Yo. I married and got pregnant. the doctor said my my weight could harm the child. I did not care. Gave birth at 300. In 1981, at 329, I planned to eat until died . 6 Months later I went to OA. 6 months later I got a sponsor. I was dilegant n my food plan, got down to 115 and still my life was not perfect. Relapsed, plus 65 lbs, and finally back- against my will into OA in 1997 Today My life is OA and OA is my life. I do service, outreach, sponsor, read literature and immerse myself in the lore of OA. Any appropriate social skills I have today I learned in OA. |
Sun, 23 June 2024
OA Speakers,100 pounder, Hundred Pounder, Millcreek, KaraL |
Sun, 16 June 2024
I was an obese baby. First diet at 5 years old. In my family compulsive overeating was our life. There was never any leftover candy in our house Fat was not a problem, it was who we were. I learned to diet and was successful, for a minute. As I was loosing weight I would think about what I was going to eat at the end of the diet. 1st time in OA I lost weight, broke abstinence and put all weight back on. 2nd time came back on really fast. God did not sprinkle pixie dust on me to relieve the compulsion. Eventually using tools, a sponsor, a higher power it is working one day at a time. |
Sun, 9 June 2024
I came in to OA in 1975 at 25 years old, 340 Lbs. and have been in 50 years. I lost jobs because of my weight. They could do it and told me so. Started with grey sheet food program. You guys spoke honesty and I did not know that language. I had a huge issue with the spiritual components of the program. I was sure we didn't meditate in La Hambra, CA. Today I sponsor, do service, travel, and have a good life. |
Sun, 2 June 2024
Originally in OA in '88. I had a problem with lookalikes. Sugar free type alternatives to red light foods. At events I would click the disposable cameras so I was always behind the camera, never in front, I experienced the progressive nature of the disease. 5 year first relapse, 3 years second, then 1 year Embracing Step one perfectly is required to eliminate the first compulsive bite I wore scrubs because the had all sizes and pockets. I did have Bariatric surgery but did not tell anyone due to expecting program judgement. It was me projecting my own judgment back at myself. |
Sun, 19 May 2024
My mother was Manic/Depressive and a Compulsive Over-eater. When I was 9 , my older 19 Year old brother was hity by drunk driver and was in a coma for 3 months. I needed more allowance to buy more candy. I went to diet DR. at 16. Goal weight in a week. Game on! What ever I did. I didn't look good enough. In 1976 I wen to OA, They sent me to AA and my food took off. Much later (2013)I was working in chemical dependency and weighed 230.. They intervened and sent me to OA. Today abstain from some foods, write it down and eat consciously. Now down 110 lbs. The love, support and inspiration I get in OA keeps my heart open to so much. A home group and Service position keeps me in the middle of the herd. |
Sun, 12 May 2024
I grew up in NY and a large Italian Family. Eating was a sacred ritual. I needed to learn to protect myself from my brother.I protected my self with food up to over 500 lbs. Everyone felt it was OK to give me advice. My wife passed in 2020 presenting my with major life choice. I had the bypass surgery but statistics told me I might need more help. OA was that help. I originally thought they were nice because they paid by the pounds loose. I learned my phone could be used for more than just ordering take-out, I became willing to change so I did with help I could not have imagined was available. Help is so much more than advice. |
Sun, 5 May 2024
Both parents alcoholic so I grew up in a dysfunctional environment. My father killed himself rather than stop drinking. I treated my body like garbage can for drugs, alcohol. and food. Sober at 31. Even though I was around the 12 step community I was outside as I was still eating compulsively. I was in and out of OA for years. Couldn't do it my way. I didn't need meetings I 'Lived' the program. Not. After 2 seizures, multiple brain surgeries and a commitment I ended up surrendering to the OA Program. Today I am working to be more God centered than self centered. I am of service and have a quality of life I can rely on. |
Sun, 28 April 2024
Bulimia and anorexic was an eating disorder, I was just overweight. Every day was the same,Great intentions, Break my intentions and then beat myself up. I am a poster child for step one. with an allergy of the body and obsession of my mind. Today i am living the definition of abstinence. for 12 years Resentments are the thought' The past didn't go my way'. My fears are the thought the 'The future will not go my way. There was a lot of time between my coming to OA in 1988 and the start of my current abstinence in 2011. |
Sun, 21 April 2024
Pictures. Shame based eating even very young. No matter how poorly I was treated growing up no one treated me worse than I did. Joined the military to loose weight, it worked AND I was dismissed for failure to maintain below weight limit. Came into program 2008 and followed direction. I has worked ever since. Even at a good weight I am still working on the authentic Domingo Today I like others, I like me and value those relationships. I use the big book, steps and tools of this program for any problem that comes up. I wear my program like a loose garment. there is room for me to be me inside this program. |
Sun, 14 April 2024
Even though we have unique stories there s a common thread that joins us. I Have one picture form 2004. I have not been there for a long time but i could be me tomorrow. I thought I could control EVERYTHING. I wrote a new plan for my food and my life every Sunday. Worked perfectly until Monday noon. All my self hate was projected on to other people. What brought me into OA was an event where I dramatically picked my food over my kids. I got a sponsor who remains with me today. I have a morning ritual based on the direction I would like to face today. Every day My relationship with my food reflects my relationship with my world. My higher power holds my n a tight string . |
Sun, 7 April 2024
2010 5 years old eating rolled balls of bread, chubby and judged by my parents Evan heavy I excelled in athletics just to prove my dad wrong. I had a feeling, I needed to eat. I maintained a weight loss with hours of excersize and handfuls of laxatives. in 2015 I went to an Xmas party and partook of the food to the fullest. Early 2016 I started meetings for 9 moths with no food plans,steps or honesty. I just recently got honest on al levels and the difference is palpable. I am using all the tools. My anger has been replaced with tolerance .
Sun, 31 March 2024
I was large as a child. first meeting August 1988 and the recovery started.' I grew up in an unsafe household. with multiple candidates fr 12 step work. When I started babysitting all my money went for food. I ended up in the biggest size I could find. No where to go. The laughter pissed me off. It took a while for me to have the change. I got a life, i started dancing in recovery, I have a sponsor and I am a sponsor. Gone through steps multiple times, and continue to find new things. A morning ritual is a core component of my program. My last relapse was during the pandemic by overeating abstinent food. My food plan is pretty tight, I take my food with me most of the time. |
Sun, 24 March 2024
Wide weight swing - 5'8' and 108lbs And way up. Confusing childhood. Finish you food, you're fat but a later a reality check indicated I was not. I was given 'Metrical' as a kid. On the cleanup I could finish lots of plates. Protein shakes lost weight fast. seemed like a plan. until every parts of my life was compulsive including fasting, excersize, weighing myself, drugs and alcohol. I sober first in '82. My sponsor suggested OA which I had never heard of. They were my people. and fell into the program. After a year of success and weighl loss I shifted my addiction to men. and up to 360. next time into the program it took all the lessons and truly embraced it long term. |
Sun, 17 March 2024
I was fat and teased by my family Came into OA 55 years old, 130 lbs overweight with 30 years sobriety. Recently I was at a party that had EVERYTHING that was of my list , abstained and had a great time actually relating with my family. None of my alcoholic foods are in the produce aisle. Accountability is still uncomfortable for me. Long timers mentioned they do service, so I got involved in service. As a result of my abstinence I am able to learn so much about OA, its working, the tools and Zoom etc y and offer it back when needed. |
Sun, 10 March 2024
It is important for me to attend strong meetings where people ave gone through all the steps. My weight popped between first and second grade. Food helped me handle my home life. Admitting I was a compulsive eater was easy. Surrendering to the program - not so easy. I developed daily practices, had a spiritual connection and i was working. When it slipped, I slipped for about a year. When I came back I embraced the reality of the program and my life changed - for the better. Meeting my current husband (11 years) was only be possible because I was using the tools of recovery in all my affairs. I continue to do the steps in a variety of ways each revealing something different. Today I ask myself questions about how I can improve and then act on the answers. |
Sun, 3 March 2024
Addictive family, Dinner was a challenge. A smorgabord of food behaviors. My first obsession was bread and I knew enough that is brought me sham My first real addiction was cocaine and it helped me eat less. Exercise bulimia was also part of my story. When drugs and alcohol left my left there was room for food. Being in 2 12 step programs, heard of OA and one more time I found a way to not belong. I discovered my emotional triggers fro binging and continue to do the work one day at a time. |
Sun, 25 February 2024
OA Really did save my life. 1999 5x shirts .'6'4'' over 400 lbs,type 2 diabetes I remember Mary G., the person who first greeted me at my first meeting. I identified as a compulsive over eater not realizing I was taking the first step. She was diagnosed with cancer,and always shared she wanted to die sober and abstinent. Abstinence gave me the ability to have continuous improvement in every area of my life. |
Sun, 18 February 2024
Coming into OA I have lost weight ans gained skills Started with junk food early in my youth. I powered through sugary, snacks. My physical activity offset my eating unll I got married. I treated myself with bags from the gas stations. Food programs never worked long term. Covid was a disaster for me and my food intake. I was in another program but had never heard of OA. When I did find out I jumped in with the help of the meetings i went to. My program has not been perfect but never left my meetings. I continue to learn in practice personal skills which are bringing me a great life. |
Sun, 11 February 2024
I lived in LA when they started 100 Pounder meetings. I became and addict in infancy with teabags filled with sugar instead of a pacifier. I married at 17 to get away from my parents. I was not anything resembling a adult relationship. Came to OA first in 1976 In LA embraced the grey sheet food plan an lost 140 lbs. and relapsed as a blackout eater in and out for 7 years. Took me a long time to connect my weight with my food. Finally got it abstinence coming up on 40 years continuously. |
Sun, 4 February 2024
When I came to OA in 92 I was broken. They asked me to read at my first meeting. I said "I can't read, I'm new" - Really? I call my disease my Lower Power. I will go through the 15 newcomer questions to confirm I qualify. I do. Today I am half the man I was both in weight and size. My relationship with my Higher Power, service and the steps are the foundation for my recovery. |
Sun, 28 January 2024
I excelled in academics to hide my insecurities up through scholarship in undergrad and flunked out at Grad level. I am a sugar addict, Not a normal eater. I ended up suicidal in a locked ward. I tried going Vegan which was really not compatible with my body. My first 12 step program was ACA, Finally into OA where I learned I had to clean up other addictions to be sober in OA. Today I am active in 3 programs. My motto is to do more of what works and less of what doesn't. I continue to work the steps out of the big book examining my part and what basic instincts are out of whack. i do a little every night. I do a little every day. |
Sun, 21 January 2024
I was not wanted and ended in an orphanage. I was adopted by parents who had their own personal and relationship issues. Big as a child and picked on at school. At 20 I worked in LA, saw diet DRs, used speed and lost weight with unintended consequences. Got married for all the wrong reasons. Failed at DRs food plan, Did not qualify for bypass surgery, Was sent to OA - the free one. Eventually leaned into the program. The miracles started kicking in and have not stopped. |
Sun, 14 January 2024
"Missed first few minutes, Mike G, amung a crew of guys whose sole purpose was to eat BBQ and lots of it. REALLY LOTS!!!" My BBQ band was my way of being. I would eat tons, publicly, deliberately and proudly. I came into OA My sponsor suggested go to 3 meals a day and 5 things I don't eat. Meetings made it seem real. I was doing the deal. Others were doing the deal. Eating was my connection- now it is OA. Now I sponsor men and i REALLY do care about them. I came in with a list of what my higher power was not. I found I could determine what it would be. My food is now a gift from my higher power building me, nutritionally, I used to used food to keep my rage down. it pooped out as I recovery. I stayed the course and have some scene of emotional sobriety, appropriate reactions to life |
Sun, 7 January 2024
Grew up as a perfectionist which served me well during that time. Always overate. No amount of education would help. Drifted near OA but left when I realized there were no 'cheat days'. Like my Birthday. I next came back for a while dabbling as OA 'adjacent' I knew the word but not the behavior. I finally accepted that I am NOT the best judge of what I should be eating. |
Sun, 31 December 2023
Member of multiple 12 step programs. I am retired and more to hang by the fridge. I grew up in alcoholic home. and learned to avoid everything with all five children with working addictions. My brother was morbidly obese and recently passed away. I learned to use food to escape, specially at night.. Dinner . then the junk until I passed out. I do the first three steps before every meal. I slows me down to eat mindfully so I know when I am full. Helps me feel satisfied. If I don't go to meetings I can forget and end up listening to my disease rather than my sponsor. There are lots of opportunities for service. It really make a difference for my recovery and helps others... |