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Mill Creek OA 100 Pounder Speaker Meeting
Speakers who have lost 100 pounds tell their stories.

Barb 9-9-88. My "in my disease" life was a minimal closed in reality.

*  Polly Q I spent years in 'white knuckle abstinence' It was not fun. and ended in relapse.

Today my abstinence is all about my relationship with my higher power

*  Beth -  Lost 140 LBS, Gained a modicum of sanity.

* Amanda - Escape artist with food as my favorite tool

My behavior was based on my addiction.

I was advised to address 'what was killing me the fastest' It was not food at that time.

*  April In program a long time but in the background. 'I'm good thanks'

Today my journey is about surrender.

Direct download: BarbaraB_2021_12_19.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

In for 12, out for 12, back in 2009 to present.

Clear precise abstinence makes is the only way it is possible for me to stay abstinent.

I had a Loose/tight problem. I had to Loosen up in some areas and tighten up in others.

How I eat today is largely influenced by how I ate yesterday.

80/20 God/me.  In reality my part is much less.

Direct download: MaryL_2021_12_12.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

A Clear description of the intention and results from OA in his life.

Direct download: FrankP_2021_12_05.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Could not find clothes in Paris.

I binged because I was ashamed of being fat.

In OA I was a dishonest people pleaser.

After a brief relapse I asked the scariest woman to be my sponsor.

Certain foods became poison to me.

I identified specific 'Alcoholic' behaviors to avoid.

Kimberly goes through her experiences with the steps.

Direct download: KimberlyC_2021_11_21.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

My whole life became about my loosing weight. and my family agreed.

I have certain white powders which are drugs and toxins for me.

When I finally got to OA, I dove right in (meetings, steps service) and my life changed.  Who knew???

We end up lying to ourselves when we remember what food did for us and forget what it did to us.

Direct download: SusanH_2021_11_14.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Heavy as a child, bullied in school.

I was a good dieter but it only lasted a minute.

I actually had a accident while eating.

I knew I was home at my first meeting.

Knowing I was crazy was my first evidence of my recovery.

T. R. U. S.T   Try Really Using Steps and Traditions.

I had the moment when there was nothing but God between me and the next compulsive bite. God was there and I stayed abstinent.

I practice the principles (Steps for me  AND Traditions for my marriage) in all my affairs.

Direct download: ValM-2021_11_07.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Grew up in alcoholic family. I was paid in candy to keep secrets. By both sides.

My mom took me to Weight Watchers.

The catholic God had nothing to do with my life. I had to figure it out on my own. Food was my God.

Loosing weight did not make my life beautiful.

Tried OA @ 22 for 30 seconds. Got sponsor, she fires me, I fired OA, back to sponsoring myself.

Weight and I ballooned, Health problems came on and I ended up wheelchair bound.

Today I  hear God in my heart louder than the disease in my head. Health stats are mostly back in normal ranges.The rest are getting there.

Direct download: Bridgette_2021_10_24.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

I know it kicked in around 5 years old.

It was suggested that more will power would help me with my food misuse. Nahhhh

Diet was the next answer.

I went to my first OA meeting when I was 11.

Eating Rehab in high school. Way to much talking talking talking. If you lost weight- you got my attention.

Sponsoring myself led to relapse, weight gain, and more pain.

Got a sponsor, took direction, had great results and took all the credit. . . relapse.

Finally in 2005 I truly connected with the program.



Direct download: EricG_2021_10_17.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

I was hospitalized at age 6 from overeating, I was 65 years old when I entered OA.

YoYo was me. I guess I'm not the only one.

I had a lower body aneurysm that brought serious health issues. but I ignored it until I came into OA.

I was known as 'The Sleeper' At Wendy's, at the movies, at the wheel.

Weight training became an important part of my physical recovery.

I committed for one year, After the year I did not want to go back.

Direct download: PaulM_2021_10_10.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

I couldn't loose weight, even for $5000 dollars.

Even my therapist convinced me I was different.

I was NOT a dieter.

Once in OA I never left. There really was nowhere else for me to go.

I was full of anger. OA has released me from that aura.

I even want the best for my Ex-husband - BIG Miracle.

Today I can truly look at food as art, and not miss it as food.  Really.

Direct download: CindyW_2021_10_03.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

My Life in college was my personal brown out. Everything was dim and half power.

Health issue had me stop sugar, flour etc. It did not go well.

I went to OA because I recognized I had cravings.

Embracing my feelings was a long time coming. I am still working on it.

Direct download: LeslieW_2021_09_26.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

 I heard about OA from a speaker in another 12 step program.

Surprisingly a boyfriend didn't fix me.

For me, 3 meetings a week are required for my recovery to progress.

Today my daily routine includes morning and evening rituals.

My willingness to make ammends is now, When I get to do it is up to God,


Direct download: Elaine_L_2021_09_19.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

9 years of not quite abstinent = Lying

Change in recovery is not about pain, it's a about growth.

I still don't like hearing "It takes time".

I still send my food in, do service, make a ton of calls. It seems to work

Direct download: DebG_2021_09_12.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Cheryl B 10 Min
First time in program I got weight loss and little more.

Anne T 20 Min
Several periods of multiple year abstinence.

I learned to binge on food in my food plan. result = 40 lbs.




Direct download: 2Speakers_2021_09_05.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

**There is a missing 65 seconds after 1:30. **

This day 42 years ago was my first OA Meeting.

Top weight over 400 lbs. Came into OA at 380.

I was an Atheist and completely unwilling to be converted.

By 16 years I was deep into relapse and terrified of being seen but went to a convention.

For the last 15 years I continue to work the steps and improve my spiritual life.



Direct download: FrankH_2021_08_22.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Growing up in an abusive home, in college and grad school  my best friend was sugar/candy.

My life was one crisis after another. One is not enough including suicide attempts.

I went from 88 lbs to 223 and everything in between for 40 years.

I was having physical problems, labelled as obese and that got my attention, getting me into OA.

Started out only willing to call my sponsor daily. Eventually I was gifted with abstinence.

I have had the same body for 10 years and today I love it.

I get something new every time I go the the AA Big Book. How could Bill Wilson know how I felt about my hopelessness?

Direct download: SharonP_2021_08_15.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

I did food plans like I did diets.

Today I do the program - the steps, writing, meetings, exercise, service, higher power.

Seeing others who have lost 100, 200 300 pounds and more inspired me and helped me believe it was possible for me.

I could still eat compulsively while on my food plan.

Direct download: LindaT_2021_08_01.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

My food choices were based on convenience. MY convenience.

The 12 steps clarified my defects which I had overlooked, denied or suppressed.

I switched careers rather than address my overeating.

Planning my food helps me avoid impulse eating.

A single mistake is not a slip. A second time... let's talk.

I have a daily 'quiet time'.

Direct download: JillE_2021_07_25.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

I ate lots but stayed thin through basketball.

Eventually I got married and slowed down playing and slowly moved into obesity. I started the yoyo for years.

There are some gaps in the recording and lost the last minute.

I went to OA for a while. It worked so well I left.

In my 70s I ended up morbidly obese with heart problems. This got my attention.

My wife passed and I was alone and fat.

I am back for 3 years, over 100 lbs lighter and involved.

I am a literature junkie. Even some Non OA approved readings has been inspirational.

The 12 steps exist in many spiritual


Direct download: FredB_2021_07_18.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

At 41 I had a wake up call with way dangerous blood results.

I found I could mess up and if I told the truth you would still allow me at the meetings.

Consistency in my program includes meetings, a food plan, a sponsor, calls and the truth.

I carry food when I travel so I am in charge of what I eat.

Daily basics every day.

Direct download: RogerH_2021_07_11.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Continuous member since Jan 24 1994 Abstinent from Feb 16.

I have written for my sponsor every night over 4300 times.

Resentment, remorse, rebellion, resistance cause me problems

She offered a VERY clear analysis of how she uses the steps consistently.





Direct download: MaryAnnK_2021_07_04.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

In NYC following an acting career I was just surviving -

I had to call back to California to find a meeting in New York.

It took me more than a year to really accept the first step.

One moment at a time, one day at a time, one step at a time OA had brought me a life of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual recovery.

Today I have gratitude for all that has happens.

Step 1-12 explained as what they mean to ME.

No matter what happens, how I feel or what I resist I kept coming back

Direct download: BobbieB_2021_06_27.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:55pm PST

A marriage without ANY recovery was not working.

I heard a speaker I had nothing in common with and identified with everything she said.

Working the steps will GUARANTEE you will change.

I have had the same sponsor for 20 years. AND I work with other members on specific issues.

Direct download: MichelleK_2021_06_20.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

 **  Due to technical diffuculties there is 7 minutes of sharing  missing starting @ 8:29

Didn't know what eating regularly meant until I was in a foster home.

Ate my way up to 440 Lbs. 

Today I have a routine for my food and my life activities.

Miracles don't hapen without the footwork.


Direct download: AndreaH_2021_06_13.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

I was a compusve overeater in the fasion industry.

When I got to OA I did what I was told. and it worked as long as I did it.

I keep doing fourth steps (When told to) and they are always transformational.

It is too easy to forget what works. That's why I have a sponsor.

The program keeps me abstinent, the fellowship keeps the rest of me on track ...no matter what.

Direct download: AliceN_2021_06_06.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Abstinent from 10/86

I was 10 when I got on my first diet from my mother worked for 5 days.

Food took me out of where I was, unsafe, and put me in a safe place.

My bravest moment was to stand, Indentify a compulsive overeater and in that moment I became 'a part of'.

It was a shock when I realized the world did not revolve around me.

I continue to improve my conscious contact with 'God'.


Direct download: SusanL_2021_05_30.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

1st meeting 1988. 

I knew what was the right way to eat but I could not refrain from binging/eating for any length of time.

Grew up in home with no structure.

Could not imagine talking about my food in front of men.

I  got  a sponsor,what she asked me to do made no sense but I did it anyway.

Discovering a higher power is an ongoing process for me. Recovery is in the seeking.

For me it has been a slow and consistent road of recovery. Like the tortoise.




Direct download: LauraO_2021_0523.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Used Lunch money to buy candy on the way to school. 

Hit 250 in high school.

Found OA in college, followed the program and.... it worked.

My relapse happens slowly, loosing one peice at at time until I was completely out of the program.

Gastric Bypass seemed like a miracle....  for a while.

The food blocked me from the joy of the American Dream.

From all out to all in was the beginning of my recovery..this time.

In the beginning, feelings seemed like negative byproduts of doing the work.

Really wanting and choosing a salad was a miracle of the program.



Direct download: ChristinaM_2021_05_16.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Graduated HS @ 270 with 50" waist. It frightened me.

Fear ruled me. I fixed/avoided with food.

I was willing to go to ANY lengths. Alone - Every diet work for a short time... Once.

46 days in OA led to my worst binge ever. It was a turning point.

I discovered a Higher Power of "MY" understanding.

Abstinence gave me lots of extra time to do my program.








Direct download: MichaelL_2021_05_09.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Food was my crutch when I was 12.

Even pudgy brought about massive shame.

God was for uneducated, weak- willed people.

I attended meetings without participating until somebody actually talked to me.

Not a program of feeling, thinking, wanting... It is a program of action !



Direct download: SeppyA_2021_05_02.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

lost 140 lbs first time in OA.

After a major relapse I have 17 years today.

I am a skid row compulsive over eater.

I learned to show up, sit in the front, raise my hand, be of service and tell the truth.

The Doctors Opinion nails it for me.

My program is the infrastructure for my life.

I now have someone who I love and loves me. I never thought it could happen for me.


Direct download: StacyS_2021_04_25.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Abstinent since 9/8/2003

My addictions does not get triggered if I avoid foods I am allergic to.

I knew the foods I was allergic to but kept buying and eating them into oblivion. and wake up with another failed commitment to do it differently.

A friend from another 12 step program mentioned OA. I went but did not work the OA  program.

I was afraid to go shopping at first.

I did all the steps in order out of the big book with a sponsor. It worked.

Today I am dependent on my Higher Power ... in a healthy way,





Direct download: DorotaT_2021_04_18.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Growing up I looked good on the outside.  But.....

Everything I did I did compulsively, Food/ Sugar was the major negative one.

I learned to tap dance at as a child and used it  physically and emotionally for years.

I created a seemingly cool life on the outside as a designer in Europe until I can back to US. Not cool = Not OK

Women were meeting is a restaurant I worked at were having an OA meeting. Ding Ding.Ding.

I picked my sponsor because she judged like I did.

I have maintained a healthy body weight for 34 years  always participating in OA, keeping commitments, sponsoring and doing the steps many times.

Stopping my compulsive behaviors is the BEGINNING of my recovery.


Direct download: TracyZ_2021_04_11.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

I always saw myself as a fat child, but in retrospect is was not always true.

I had heard about stopping hard drugs and it sounded like my trying to stop eating chocolate. Long before I got into OA.

2 weeks into OA I discovered Fear and Resentment were the underlying issue for my compulsive eating and cravings.

Growing up I never learned how to identify and talk about my emotions in realm time.

This is my current work. I can get a resentment when things are not clear and/or consistent and I can eat over it.  The work never ends. Today I write about it rather than eat over it. Yay OA


Direct download: AnneB_2021_03_04.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Lonely kids. I knew all the 'Lonely' songs.

Big in elementary school.

Got sober in '75. 

Introduced to OA in '76. started on to 18 years of abstinence. Was involved, did service. did not stick.

Basic instincts went awry. 

PAGGLES  7 deadly sins On me to make adjustments with God's help

12 steps in 10 words.
1  Give up

2,3 Look up
4-9 Clean up
10, 11  Keep up
12 Show up





Direct download: LarryW-2021_03_28.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

9 of 10 Children. Family dinners were always an adventure.

If I excelled in sports I could get Dad's attention. Led to perfectionism and people pleasing and led me to my first 12 steep program.

Sugar got me so high my face would tingle.

Anytime I step on a scale  I feel bad. So i don't step on a scale.

Once I got to  OA I never left. I didn't do the program well but I never left.

I lost my first sponsor - then fake sugar led to weight gain, changing meetings, thinking a nutritionist would be better than getting a new sponsor.

Everything changed when I really started 'Doing the Work'.

This past year has changed everything in my life for the better. 

I no longer manage people except as required at work.


Direct download: DianeK_2021_03_21.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:49pm PST

Recovery can bring back memories of how bad it was. A Fat American in France

I ate violently, destructively and disturbingly.

At one point I did a cost-benefit analysis of my addiction...didn't help.

My fancy education made no difference.

Once in the program I became Miss OA. My physicality came back. 

'I got this' led to an 80 lb weight gain

I finally did get this  Nov 3 2008.

Today I have a daily ritual morning and evening which includes reading, writing, step work and A E I O U  Y

I really do have a life beyond my wildest dreams by doing a few things every day.

Direct download: KariB_2021_03_14.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Grew up thinking I was unwanted as 5th of 5.

Within 3 days of joining the program there was a month long orientation workshop which gave me a deep understand on the program and what I could expect.

Unity between my program, my marriage, my higher power and my life keep all the parts working.



Direct download: LaurieY_2021_03_07.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

I was a sensitive kid obsessed with my body image. 

At 15 I got diet pills, then speed and was not actually overweight.

I restricted, was an exercise bulimic and tried it all.

I stopped eating sugar because I was a people pleaser. AND just kept coming  back.

Today the program and my higher power have helped me all the challenges life has thrown at me and maintained my abstinence.

The promises have come true

Direct download: LauraS_2021_02_28.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

In my youth I got a rush from stealing and an escape with the food.

Long term cycles of feast and famine(excersize, restriction tec.)

I was in OA for 8 years without a sponsor. 'Surprise' I had no recovery.

Today i have a daily ritual for my recovery which has led to my 2.5 years abstinent,

Direct download: TyroneS_2021_02_21.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

I was given sugar instead of a bottle.

Program worked when I laid down the food and picked up a pen.

Never, Never, Never give up.

my 4th step made me suicidal because I had no God. 

Since I developed a belief and relationship with a Higher Power he has saved me regularly.

Direct download: DulcieS_2021_02_14.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Direct download: Zan_2021_02_07.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Lost 100 lbs and put it back before entering Law School.

Wore Tee shirts until I was 30 because I was afraid of bursting my buttons.

The beginning of my recovery was a spiritual experience that  makes no sense, cannot be explained and has been with me 40 years.


Direct download: JackS_2021_01_31.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Huge amount of food and huge amount of laxatives.

It took four months after a 3 week relapse to feel sane.

After a long time in the program I had to give up all my sponsees to work on myself.

I am on a spiritual journey. The food blocks me from this process.

Direct download: CarolB_2021_01_24.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

All about Step one.

When I came to OA I thought everyone was abstinent, so I did to.

Last Xmas I 12 stepped 2 caregivers.

I will never have a normal relationship with food.

Direct download: EdaS_20210117.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Weight kicked up at puberty

My first OA Meeting the church was locked. There was one other person and I knew I was home.

I lost 100 lbs in 9 months and was rocking in OA until Iost my sponsor and decided to sponsor myself.

160 later I found my way back to OA and was welcomed.

The OA community and service makes me know I am not alone.

Direct download: SueS_2021_01_10.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Dieted from 7th grade to age 50. yo-yo-yo and the swings got bigger.

I had a plan for my college reunion to loose weight. I did not go to my reunion.

I had a friend who talked about OA. She lost weight while I gained.

Gave up sugar after my first OA Meeting. 

God was the hardest part of OA for me. That is absolutely not the case for me today. 

Direct download: JessicaH_2021_01_03.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST