Sun, 25 October 2020
As a child chubby turned into obese and brough in speed. I just wanted to be able to pick a dress off the rack. I had lost weight but was very unhealthy when I was 12 stepped in a hair salon. Changed from 'What are you going to do about it' to what am I going to do about it. |
Sun, 18 October 2020
Binged and purged my way up to over 200 lbs. If you think you can't do your food plan the rest of your life, it is a diet. |
Sun, 11 October 2020
Food helped me feel safe in an unsafe environment growing up. When binging and restricting failed me I added exercise bulimia to my repertoire of inappropriate tools. First came to OA in 2003, Did everything I was told except get a sponsor and do the steps. Once back I came to believe if it worked for others it could work for me.
Sun, 4 October 2020
Food was not my problem, it was my solution but it was killing me. I hid my pain by eating compulsively. Coming from my very dark place the light offered by OA was blinding. I need the program and steps to make the adjustment possible. |