Sun, 30 January 2022
Black and white abstinence is the only thing the works for me. I don't do well with 'wiggle room' Nothing changed until I got a sponsor. HOW had the food plan I rejected/needed/accepted but actually led to weight loss. I needed the program much longer than I wanted it. Today I want it. |
Sun, 23 January 2022
I was told Our built in freezer would kill me. I went in all the time. I used food to feel better. I used Alcohol to not feel at all. I would eat as if it was I was in a blackout. They said it's not about the food but I wasn't buying it. Even putting down the food did not make my life manageable. The more I try to control others the more stress I experience.
Sun, 16 January 2022
The disease gripped me in a death grip at age 30. I would binge on appropriate foods and lots of it. I came to OA at 33 and the welcoming made it not scary. I keep coming back, food continues to speak to me. I act on it by making a call. I lost weight but I also lost most of my crazy thoughts. and I have tools when they come back. |
Sun, 2 January 2022
Tonight I will talk about the 12 Traditions And the principles behind each tradition. 'A great set of explanations connecting each tradition with its fundamental Principle'