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Mill Creek OA 100 Pounder Speaker Meeting
Speakers who have lost 100 pounds tell their stories.

lost 140 lbs first time in OA.

After a major relapse I have 17 years today.

I am a skid row compulsive over eater.

I learned to show up, sit in the front, raise my hand, be of service and tell the truth.

The Doctors Opinion nails it for me.

My program is the infrastructure for my life.

I now have someone who I love and loves me. I never thought it could happen for me.


Direct download: StacyS_2021_04_25.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Abstinent since 9/8/2003

My addictions does not get triggered if I avoid foods I am allergic to.

I knew the foods I was allergic to but kept buying and eating them into oblivion. and wake up with another failed commitment to do it differently.

A friend from another 12 step program mentioned OA. I went but did not work the OA  program.

I was afraid to go shopping at first.

I did all the steps in order out of the big book with a sponsor. It worked.

Today I am dependent on my Higher Power ... in a healthy way,





Direct download: DorotaT_2021_04_18.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Growing up I looked good on the outside.  But.....

Everything I did I did compulsively, Food/ Sugar was the major negative one.

I learned to tap dance at as a child and used it  physically and emotionally for years.

I created a seemingly cool life on the outside as a designer in Europe until I can back to US. Not cool = Not OK

Women were meeting is a restaurant I worked at were having an OA meeting. Ding Ding.Ding.

I picked my sponsor because she judged like I did.

I have maintained a healthy body weight for 34 years  always participating in OA, keeping commitments, sponsoring and doing the steps many times.

Stopping my compulsive behaviors is the BEGINNING of my recovery.


Direct download: TracyZ_2021_04_11.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

I always saw myself as a fat child, but in retrospect is was not always true.

I had heard about stopping hard drugs and it sounded like my trying to stop eating chocolate. Long before I got into OA.

2 weeks into OA I discovered Fear and Resentment were the underlying issue for my compulsive eating and cravings.

Growing up I never learned how to identify and talk about my emotions in realm time.

This is my current work. I can get a resentment when things are not clear and/or consistent and I can eat over it.  The work never ends. Today I write about it rather than eat over it. Yay OA


Direct download: AnneB_2021_03_04.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST