Sun, 28 June 2015
Leslie shares her story of hope and recovery from compulsive overeating and bulimia. |
Sun, 21 June 2015
Kari's brave struggle with her weight and her overeating is inspiring. Her story of personal humiliation while swimming and trying to get back on board a boat will make you cringe and laugh at the same time. It is easy to empathize with her experiences. She is a joy to listen to. |
Sun, 14 June 2015
With a 148 pound weight loss Gary has experienced the miracle of OA both physically, mentally and spiritually. Excess food was always something he was drawn to. After having lost his weight he relapsed gaining 100 pounds in 3 months. He shares, “In an act of rebellion, which was subconscious, I went back into the hospital for a suicide attempt because I couldn’t deal with life on life’s terms. I couldn’t deal with my emotional and mental state.” Doug continued going to OA meetings and had an epiphany that allowed him to find a concept for his Higher Power. A few days later he got abstinent and remains that way – one day at a time. |
Sun, 7 June 2015
In the beginning Aaron needed the hard nose variety of a sponsor. “ I’m that kind that needs a punch in the head, and told to sit down and shut up and follow directions to get it.” When he first came in at age 24, he thought he could wait until he was older to get the program, but he had seen members in his family who struggled with this problem and decided to try OA. Now after 10 months and 54 pounds weight loss he still works the steps with his sponsor. Sometimes he will skimp on the work with reading and writing and his sponsor will say “Hey – nice diet you’re on!” That gets his attention and he knuckles under and picks up the steps and the tools again. |