Sun, 24 October 2021
Grew up in alcoholic family. I was paid in candy to keep secrets. By both sides. My mom took me to Weight Watchers. The catholic God had nothing to do with my life. I had to figure it out on my own. Food was my God. Loosing weight did not make my life beautiful. Tried OA @ 22 for 30 seconds. Got sponsor, she fires me, I fired OA, back to sponsoring myself. Weight and I ballooned, Health problems came on and I ended up wheelchair bound. Today I hear God in my heart louder than the disease in my head. Health stats are mostly back in normal ranges.The rest are getting there. |
Sun, 17 October 2021
I know it kicked in around 5 years old. It was suggested that more will power would help me with my food misuse. Nahhhh Diet was the next answer. I went to my first OA meeting when I was 11. Eating Rehab in high school. Way to much talking talking talking. If you lost weight- you got my attention. Sponsoring myself led to relapse, weight gain, and more pain. Got a sponsor, took direction, had great results and took all the credit. . . relapse. Finally in 2005 I truly connected with the program.
Sun, 10 October 2021
I was hospitalized at age 6 from overeating, I was 65 years old when I entered OA. YoYo was me. I guess I'm not the only one. I had a lower body aneurysm that brought serious health issues. but I ignored it until I came into OA. I was known as 'The Sleeper' At Wendy's, at the movies, at the wheel. Weight training became an important part of my physical recovery. I committed for one year, After the year I did not want to go back. |
Sun, 3 October 2021
I couldn't loose weight, even for $5000 dollars. Even my therapist convinced me I was different. I was NOT a dieter. Once in OA I never left. There really was nowhere else for me to go. I was full of anger. OA has released me from that aura. I even want the best for my Ex-husband - BIG Miracle. Today I can truly look at food as art, and not miss it as food. Really. |