Sun, 29 September 2019
Food was my families medicing for everything physical and emothional. Side effects included weight gain and self loathing. LAter on I learned eating carbs causes small intestines to releases seretonin. If I don't eat my red light foods, there is no struggle. |
Sun, 15 September 2019
Added almost 100 lbs from HS Graduation through first semester of college. Bypass surgery helped me switch from binging to grazing continuously. Not a good switch. Once I started really working the program with a sponsor I discovered eating healthy foods in moderate quantities, with a little excercize produced weight loss. Who knew?
Sun, 8 September 2019
Grew up on Pot farm. My mother gained weight with organic food. At times I lost weight but never dealt with underlying isses. I had two food plans, A local plan when I was home and a travel plan. Not so good. Today I love the program, I love you guys, I love my family, I love my higher power and at long last I love myself. |
Sun, 1 September 2019
Stealing cookies at age 5 Sneaking was it own thrill Grew up in violent alcoholic household, created the same inmy marriage. I Overcam gastric bypass by eating small meals all the time. Finally working with a sponsor and following direction helps me stay sane around food. |