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Mill Creek OA 100 Pounder Speaker Meeting
Speakers who have lost 100 pounds tell their stories.

Early on my life I learned how to keep secrets, and how to hate.

Morbid obesity arrived in my 20s.

While over 300 Lbs I was neurotic about what my son ate.

I did not diet. Any weight adjustments were from changes in my activity.

When I joined OA I resisted being told what to do.

I lost 125 Lbs with very little recovery.

Rich honest emotions are a gift of recovery.


Direct download: JackieB_2022_04_24.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Paul D from Seattle

Annual suggestion to diet and exercise got me started, for a minute.

At one time I was taken to the hospital - FOR OVEREATING

4 Cs   crisis, clarity, colliding opportunities, commitment to a spiritual solution,

A multitude of health issues should have given me a clue about my problem with food.

I discovered Buddhism was the religion of moderation - Poof I'm a Buddhist.

I have studied OA, read ALL the literature, completed the steps and got involved in service. 

I have sent a gratitude list to my sponsor for more that 1000 days.

My abstinence is about foods, behaviors and thoughts.

I had a list of things I wanted from my relationship to OA. They have come true.

Direct download: PaulD_2022_04_10.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

6 Months before I came into the program due to my health I considered suicide.

Prior to OA I had no idea of how my life had become such a disaster.

Oatmeal chicken chicken was not for me.

My addictive foods became VERY clear to me.

Established my recovery right out of the Big Book of AA.

I have to understand it is not about lunch. It is about a fatal disease.

Today I am a healthy member of OA and society trying to do my best and be of service.

I favor sponsors with AA background and their that approach to the Big Book.

I turn to my higher power in times of stress rather than the food.

Direct download: KenT_2022_04_03.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST