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Mill Creek OA 100 Pounder Speaker Meeting
Speakers who have lost 100 pounds tell their stories.

My food choices were based on convenience. MY convenience.

The 12 steps clarified my defects which I had overlooked, denied or suppressed.

I switched careers rather than address my overeating.

Planning my food helps me avoid impulse eating.

A single mistake is not a slip. A second time... let's talk.

I have a daily 'quiet time'.

Direct download: JillE_2021_07_25.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

I ate lots but stayed thin through basketball.

Eventually I got married and slowed down playing and slowly moved into obesity. I started the yoyo for years.

There are some gaps in the recording and lost the last minute.

I went to OA for a while. It worked so well I left.

In my 70s I ended up morbidly obese with heart problems. This got my attention.

My wife passed and I was alone and fat.

I am back for 3 years, over 100 lbs lighter and involved.

I am a literature junkie. Even some Non OA approved readings has been inspirational.

The 12 steps exist in many spiritual


Direct download: FredB_2021_07_18.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

At 41 I had a wake up call with way dangerous blood results.

I found I could mess up and if I told the truth you would still allow me at the meetings.

Consistency in my program includes meetings, a food plan, a sponsor, calls and the truth.

I carry food when I travel so I am in charge of what I eat.

Daily basics every day.

Direct download: RogerH_2021_07_11.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Continuous member since Jan 24 1994 Abstinent from Feb 16.

I have written for my sponsor every night over 4300 times.

Resentment, remorse, rebellion, resistance cause me problems

She offered a VERY clear analysis of how she uses the steps consistently.





Direct download: MaryAnnK_2021_07_04.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 6:00pm PST