Sun, 25 March 2012
Edith Rae came to the program at 51 and now has solid recovery. She loves life and herself now, which is a great change from the negativity she thought of herself when she first came in. Her story is inspiring for all of us. |
Sun, 18 March 2012
Helen, who celebrated 13 years tonight, came into the program when she was young. She encountered some struggles in her recovery over the years, but her recovery is strong. She made it clear that we all have character defects and that we work on them the best we can. The program isn't just a diet for Helen, she lives and works the 12 steps. |
Tue, 13 March 2012
Gail shares with us her story of recovery from compulsive overeating as well as anorexia. There have been ups and downs in her recovery, but she got the willingness this time around to work the program and has acheived great results. |
Sun, 4 March 2012
Maricela shared with us her story of recovery from compulsive overeating. She explained how the physical isn't all that needed to change, she needed to change the spiritual and emotional components as well. She has a fire for life today as a result of working the program. |