Sun, 26 September 2021
My Life in college was my personal brown out. Everything was dim and half power. Health issue had me stop sugar, flour etc. It did not go well. I went to OA because I recognized I had cravings. Embracing my feelings was a long time coming. I am still working on it. |
Sun, 19 September 2021
I heard about OA from a speaker in another 12 step program. Surprisingly a boyfriend didn't fix me. For me, 3 meetings a week are required for my recovery to progress. Today my daily routine includes morning and evening rituals. My willingness to make ammends is now, When I get to do it is up to God,
Sun, 12 September 2021
9 years of not quite abstinent = Lying Change in recovery is not about pain, it's a about growth. I still don't like hearing "It takes time". I still send my food in, do service, make a ton of calls. It seems to work |
Sun, 5 September 2021
Cheryl B 10 Min Anne T 20 Min I learned to binge on food in my food plan. result = 40 lbs.