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Mill Creek OA 100 Pounder Speaker Meeting
Speakers who have lost 100 pounds tell their stories.

Erika S. will inspire you as she tells you how she reached six years of abstinence and maintains a 120 pound weight loss. She shares her story of being raised by parents who abused drugs and alcohol, where her mom was a functional cocaine addict and a food binge buddy who eventually introduced her to OA. Erika tells of the many diets and diet pills she tried unsuccessfully, leading to congestive heart failure. She tells how she tried to eat normally during the day and then binged at night. After rejoining OA, she honestly shares how she reached a normal weight, but since she didn’t follow the steps, she relapsed, but eventually reached the point where the pain in eating was greater than the pain necessary for her early abstinence. She shares how abstinence is a precious gift they could go at any time, how she begins her absence each morning such as praying “let not my will but thine be done”, how she learned to deal with an inferiority complex, how she deals with her tendency to isolate, and how she stopped food from “calling to her” 99% of the time. Her story is one of hope and success.

Direct download: ErikaS_2012_08_26.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Daniel S. opens his heart and tells you in a folksy, open way how he reached success in OA, droping from 400 pounds to normal weight and maintaining it for many years through today. He tells about his childhood upbringing by an alcoholic grandfather, and a food-pushing grandmother. He describes how he was teased for being an obese kid starting in third grade, found drugs and alcohol at age 13, and soon returned to food because he could legally medicate his feelings with endorphins by compulsively eating. He explains how compulsive eating has the same end result that drugs and alcohol do--killing ourselves--but just a little slower. Daniel explains the "more-ism" he went through with fad diets, why food is a symptom and not the cause, how his head is the root of all his problems, and what he did to stop hating and killing himself. An example of one of his great tips is "be willing to do the possible so God can do the impossible". We know you will enjoy Daniel.

Direct download: DanielS_2012_08_19.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Eric has a powerful story that led to his 352 pound weight loss and abstinence since 2005; He tells how he used food to cope with his parent’s divorce, even stealing from his parents and grocery stores to get food; he tells what it was like to be teased by his cool brother and friends for being overweight and having to wear his father’s clothes; he tells about the trendy diets he unsuccessfully tried and the depression he fell into when his mother died; his OA story began well with weight loss, but he tells what bad attitudes he had that caused him to fail, resulting in regaining weight; his story has a happy ending, where he tells you what it took to get his attitude right and surrender to his sponsor, resulting in a spectacular transformation of his life; Eric’s story gives hope to even the most compulsive eaters!

Direct download: EricG_2012_08_12.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 12:01am PST

Domingo R. shares his OA remarkable success story, starting as an overweight child growing up while being scared of the world, using food to numb his mind and "stay sane" in a family of alcoholics, and eventually using drugs and people. He shares what it was like to compulsively exercise to compensate for overeating, finding that was unsustainable as he got older-- becoming 300 pounds by age 40, his emotions becoming a toxic mix of relentlessness, judging, anxiousness, and stress. He openly tells how his extreme food costs forced into become homeless. He explains what the most important things were that he learned when he first came to OA, including  the phrase he learned to be aware of when he started scheming. He gives tips for dealing with stress, how to keep a healthy mind, how he dealt with his state of being perpetually burned out, what he means by the disease of "I know stuff", and many other bits of wisdom that have kept him at normal weight for such a long time.

Direct download: DomingoR_2012_08_05.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 11:51pm PST