Sun, 29 September 2024
I began my journey onto my food addiction at 18 years old I always felt different and like I didn't fit in. Food was my friend. My pattern was binge and purge I left home at 20. I married my 'project' to change my behavior. Each of my pregnent was a major weight gain followed by dramatic weight loss. Started OA in '88 but abstinence didn't start until I did treatment in '90 Multiple long term relapses became my story. driven by My Will. When I finally connected with my higher power my life really got better. |
Sun, 22 September 2024
Free from binging and purging from Nov 1986 thanks to God I did all the nasty things overeaters do. No normal suggestions helped at all. When I am talking, I am not learning. I have fallen in love with my Higher Power. and I believe he returns the favor. My God was big enough to help me with the IRS. Not all my dramas have happy endings but I do get through them and stay abstinent. |
Sun, 15 September 2024
i had to take the first step before I joined OA. I knew I had a problem. I have a daily reprieve. I wake up and the work starts. Te 12 steps are about Ego reduction. Self help books, workshops or pictures did not help. I went to my first meeting,saw God on the wall and walked out. I did not come back for a year. I had amazing weight loss in the first 9 months. and realized I was on my way out without the steps. Through grace I surrendered and became teachable. The ones who helped me the most in the beginning have passed on. I am their legacy and carry their message. I experienced a great deal of challenges in my 1st 37 years. I now believe I was born an addict, regardless of my traumas. Life has thrown me a bunch of more challenges. The steps help me survive and flourish in the face of new adversity that I face. |
Sun, 8 September 2024
I was pretty normal as a child, athletic 6'4". I had a family and kids, seemingly normal, however on my way home for a family dinner I would stop at multiple drive-thrus to pre-binge before going home to eat another dinner with dessert. I could hide the nags but not the smell. A diagnosis of diabetes and a need to inject insulin sent me to a drive in. Another 4 years before getting to OA. When I left my job for a 'Sabbatical' to focus on my heath the reality was my overeating became my full time job. Jan 1999 admitted my addiction and my recovery in OA began at 400 LBS I eventually got a letter from my doctor indicating I was diabetes free. Today I have a sponsor and I am a sponsor. |
Sun, 1 September 2024
I put bows in my hair to keep focus on my head and not my body. I did well with pay and weigh programs, therapies, diets, everyone worked once. I wanted to have my jaw wired shut. I got up over 300 lbs after grey sheet helped me loose 40 lbs. I did not understand the concept of alcoholic foods. I bounced in and out of multiple 12 steps programs searching for the perfect program, the perfect sponsor etc. I would not surrender to anything completely. I manipulated everybody and everything to do it my way. God is definitely doing for me what I will not do for myself. Ordering from a fast food the machine is broken. lots of times. Today I am willing to look in a mirror and say 'Judy- I love you" and mean it. Today I have daily rituals for my recovery which keep me emotionally and physically stable. |