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Mill Creek OA 100 Pounder Speaker Meeting
Speakers who have lost 100 pounds tell their stories.

Tarl gives one of the boldest and encouraging stories you'll ever hear about his path to 33 years of abstinence, starting as a small child who ate an unusual food compulsively, discovering that he couldn't choose what feelings were deadened by compulsively eating, overcoming the fantasy of being rescued from his eating compulsion, compulsively over-exercising, discovering OA at 17, discovering how to test whether an overweight person is a  compulsive eater, finding how coming out of the closet interacted with compulsively eating, finding that nothing external would stop him from compulsively eating except blindness, and how OA led him to 33 years of abstinence.

Direct download: TarlB_2012_02_13.mp3
Category:speaker -- posted at: 10:54pm PST